Tips To Help You Get Rid Of The Stench In The Kitchen
The kitchen is probably the best place in your home after your comfy bedroom. But it is one that gets messy easily, especially with the amount of work that you do there it is only natural that this would happen. One of the biggest problems in a kitchen is the stench and how to control them when it is like garbage or garlic. So here are some tips for you.
While you might certainly love that smell of baking cookies or roasting turkey, there are other fumes that aren’t the best. Especially when it is something like fish or mutton that you are cooking, you cannot really avoid the smell. You only can deal with it afterwards. So when it comes to such smells, the best thing to do would be to mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar and a cup of water in a pan and leave it to boil for a couple minutes. Since vinegar is made of the alkaline composition it automatically neutralizes the smell and gets rid of it once and for all. And so, vinegar is also used as a DIY upholstery cleaner because of this property.
Deal with trash
More than anything else what makes the kitchen smell bad is the rotting food remains in the trash can. To avoid this from messing with the dishes you cook and your entire home, always keep the bin out. You should also make sure to dispose of this waste regularly or as often as the garbage truck comes by your home. add in a garbage bag to collect the waste in the bin, or if you are going to be directly putting them in to the bin, make sure you dispose them as soon as you get a bad stench. Once you do that, wash the bin or wipe the bottom to clean it all off. You could also spray disinfectant like in carpet cleaning Brisbane, to get rid of any smell and germs once for all.
Clean the machines
Machines with blades, the dishwasher and such are appliances that easily tend to collect food debris. When these aren’t cleaned properly then and there, there is a chance that they rot and end up turning in to fungus. So always make sure that you pay extra attention to these when cleaning them. In addition to that, when it comes to your fridge, take out the ‘too old’ food, the remains of old sandwiches, old ice cubes and whatnot that add to the horrible stench you might be possibly experiencing when you open it, and clean all corners well with a sponge and some dishwash (especially the racks).
Use the above tips and get rid of the horrible stench surrounding the corners of your kitchen and appliances!